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DISC Profiling

Accredited behaviour profiles 

for you & your team


DISC is a simple yet highly effective tool.


As an accredited DISC profiler, I work with individuals, teams & leaders to produce reports and run follow up workshops:

DISC profile



Prices start from £49*



  • Personalised Report

  • 1 hour follow up session to understand your behavioural style. Raise your self awareness on how you respond to conflict, what motivates you or stresses you out, and how you solve problems. A perfect tool for your own personal growth.






Prices start from £499*



  • Price based on 10 people

  • Personalised report for everyone

  • Team Dynamics Report to help you understand & diagnose your team's strengths and limits 

  • 2 hour follow up workshop for the team to start implementing the learnings using a neutral language, making discussions about personal traits, less personal and more based on style awareness. Teams that embrace DISC can experience improved communication, stronger relationships, higher levels of productivity, reduced stress and greater results.



Prices start from £49*



  • Personalised report

  • 1 hour follow up session to understand your instinctive leadership style, so you can capitalise on your leadership strengths and make necessary adjustments when the situation demands it. Being aware of your style, as well as knowing the styles of people around you can give you the insight you need to get the most out of your team as a leader.

 DISC accreditation



  1.  It is easy to understand and remember

  2.  Knowledge of DISC empowers you to understand yourself, family members, colleagues and friends in a profound way. Understand what motivates people, how they might approach tasks or challenges, how they prefer to process information, the pace they prefer to work & much more

  3.  In turn this helps you to:

    • ​ Become a better communicator

    •  Minimize or prevent conflict

    •  Reduce stress in teams

    •  Support team building

    •  Appreciate the differences in others & yourself

    •  Positively influence those around you

  4.  DISC has been used by millions for over 70 years. It uses the universal language of behaviour. William Marston brought this to modern day science in 1928. The DISC theory is simple in its basic premise: All human behaviour can be broken down into four different patterns of observable behaviour: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.

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